Friday, July 25, 2014

Electric Peak!

The day after hiking Specimen Ridge I set out to conquer Electric Peak! The hike is about 18-19 miles out and back. I went with one of the medical students, Avi, here at our clinic. We got an early start and got to the trail head a little after 7am....

View of Electric from the beginning of the hike:

About 3 or 4 miles into the hike, getting closer. The weather was absolutely perfect, only a few clouds in the sky! You do not want to hike electric peak in bad weather. It's named for the fact that it attracts lightning in thunderstorms!

Getting closer still! Still have a long way up though!

Here we are starting up the ridge line to the peak. The views of the forests and meadows we just hiked through can be seen below. The climb started to get pretty steep at this point:

View of Sepulcher Mountain and Cache Lake below:

Getting even steeper, and starting to lose the trail. My legs were definitely starting to feel fatigued at this point!

Here we are finally getting into the scree fields at the top of the mountain. The trail was really hard to follow up here, and we actually ended up getting off trail and having to climb up rocks and through the scree. This made it really slow going and hard on the knees and legs!

Summit is in view!

Definitely did not want to lose your footing up the top! You would be going straight down to your death!

Views of the Gallatin Mountain Range to the Northwest, almost at the summit!

So close, yet so far!

Scrambling up the last bit of scree/rock to get to the summit!

We made it!! Amazing 360 degree views!! 10, 968 feet!

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