Sunday, August 3, 2014

Bison Jams, Mountain Views, and Becky, it's just over that Ridge!!

This past week I finally had some company! My friend Becky came out to visit for a few days. We actually did quite a lot in the time she was here. The first day we went over to old faithful and checked out all of the thermal features in that area and then checked out the grand prismatic. The next day we hiked up Mt. Washburn from Dunraven Pass. The hike was along an old jeep road. The flowers were amazing up on the pass and the views of the surrounding mountains were spectacular. I had hiked up Mt. Washburn previously, but the views from this trail were particularly stunning. You could see the entire Hayden valley on the hike up and Electric Peak, which I hiked a few weeks ago, to the northwest. 

Electric Peak in the backdrop:

Looking out on the Hayden Valley:

Almost to the Fire Tower at the top!

Once up the top we also had views of the Lamar valley and the Beartooth range off to the northeast. We couldn't find the herd of bighorn sheep that are usually up the top though! 

View of the Lamar Valley and Beartooth Range:

Searching for the Bighorn sheep:

After hiking back down we headed over to the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone and did a portion of the North Rim Trail and then did Uncle Tom’s trail on South Rim Trail. The trail was 328 steps down, which is about ¾ of the way down the canyon. The view of the lower falls from the bottom was awesome. 

Uncle Tom's Trail:

The way up was strenuous! Right when we got to the top it started down pouring, so we decided to head back home. We picked up two very nice hitchhikers on the way back and got stuck in a 40 minute bison jam, but we eventually made it back!

Bison Jam!

On the last day we decided to hike up Top Notch Mountain. We started out for Top Notch around 8am, figuring it would take us about 4 hours to summit and come back. There are no trails up to Top Notch, it’s completely backcountry hiking (aka path of least resistance). The hike started at a waterfall and was very steep to start.

 In about 40 minutes we made it up to the first bowl which had a nice snow melt lake.

 From the bowl we ascended up the first ridge line. Once at the top of the ridge line we had to drop down into another bowl. From the top of the ridge it wasn’t very clear where we should ascend on the other side of the bowl. There were a lot of cliffs and areas that looked pretty sketchy. We decided to take the long route and go up the way that had no cliffs that we could see. 

View of the Ridge Line we had to ascend and then follow:

There were a lot of downed trees in the bowl and then the hike up the other side was super steep! It was very strenuous and took us about an hour to do get to the ridge line.

Becky crossing a stream:

View of Top Notch from the Ridge Line:

Views of Avalanche Peak (left) and Hoyt Peak (right):

Once on the ridge line the trail stayed pretty flat for a while. Finally we made it to the final ascent portion of the hike up to the summit. It was pretty steep, but not as steep as the hike up the 2nd bowl. The views from the top were amazing. You could see the entire Yellowstone Lake, the Tetons, and all of the surrounding mountains. We rested for a bit, got a bite to eat, and took in the views. 

Made it to the summit!


The climb down was a lot quicker, but we took a very STEEP route down. Again there were no trails, so it was more difficult than a normal hike. 

We tried to make our hike out easier by skipping the up and down of the bowls and just hiking straight out through the woods, but unfortunately with all of the downed trees and thick brush we made our hike out even tougher! Overall it was a fantastic hike with great views though. Becky would say it was a level 2.5, I’ll give it a 1.5!!

Also, the day before Becky came I went kayaking on Lake Yellowstone with one of my neighbors. It was beautiful!

Me in a small cave on the coastline:

 Mt Sheridan in the background:

 Kayaking by the thermal features:


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