Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Grizzly Sighting!

So I am finally settled in here in my apartment in Lake Village. Somehow I ended up with a pretty nice 2 bedroom apartment. I’m living right across from the clinic and my front yard is the helicopter pad for the clinic. Walk about 45 seconds south and you are right on Lake Yellowstone. The view of the Lake and the surrounding mountains is amazing. There is still about 3 feet of snow on the ground though and it has snowed almost every day since I arrived!! There are small signs that spring is approaching though; the robins are out and about, the bison are roaming, and some flowers are starting to sprout here and there.

This first week has been consumed with getting oriented to the clinic and how the whole operation here is run. I was able to sneak away one day though and take a walk to the general store nearby. On the way back we spotted our first Grizzly of the season! Luckily he was far enough away for us to take some pictures safely and continue on our walk.

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