Friday, May 16, 2014

The Grizzlies are stalking me!

It's been an exciting few days here in Yellowstone! Wednesday I worked at the Mammoth area clinic. We were pretty slow, only saw 4 patients, but it was a good first day. After clinic I drove down to Gardiner, MT and got some groceries. The scenery was stunning; lots of bison with their babies and tons of elk on the mountainside. I got home around 8pm, took some groceries out of the car, put the keys in the door, turned and there was a grizzly right outside, less than 50 yards away! I dropped my bags, he took off across the snow bank towards the houses on the other side of the street. I had seen some young kids sitting out at a picnic table, so I decided to walk on my side of the snow bank to yell to them to get out of the way. By the time I walked to the end of the snow bank, the grizzly came barreling back across the snow bank and now was less than 20 feet away from me! I forgot my bear spray! I wanted to run, I was shaking, but he looked at me and I looked at him and we both walked in opposite directions. Close call!! No pics of that one tho! The sky at dusk that night was really pretty tho:

Thursday I went back over to the Old Faithful Area/Upper Geyser Basin and walked along more of the boardwalks and paths to view the rest of the thermal features in that area:

As I was walking along the Firehole river I saw a mother grizzly and her cub across the river, I watched them for a while and then it looked like they were going to cross the river so I walked back to where I was on the boardwalk before to see better (still far enough away). Next thing I know people are like "They're on the boardwalk"! And there they were walking right towards me on the boardwalk. Then we were forced back to another walkway, and the rangers came and stopped everyone in their tracks. Stood there for about 30 minutes, there was another geyser on a hill, so I asked if I could go check that out while we were waiting since it was far enough away. Went up there, the ranger came up and said they pushed the bear out of the previous area and it was safe to walk back now. Walked down one of the walkways, some other guy was like "OMG, LOOK!" There was the grizzly with her cub less than 50 feet from us. Tried to get a pic, but had my camera on the wrong setting and didn’t have time to fix it because I just wanted to get out of there!!

After that I made it over to Black Sand Basin thermal area:

And lastly, I stopped at Biscuit Basin thermal area:

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