Friday, May 23, 2014

West Thumb, Midway and Norris Geyser Basins

Another fun filled week here in Yellowstone. Monday I went to the West Thumb area which has a bunch of thermal features right along the lake:

Geyser right in Lake Yellowstone

Thermal Pool right by the lake

Wednesday I went with a few people and checked out the Midway geyser, which has the Grand Prismatic Spring. The spring itself was covered in fog, but the colors around it were beautiful.

Close up of the colors of the Grand Prismatic

Grand Prismatic Colors

Next we stopped at the Fountain Paintpots, another thermal area:

Dead Trees in the thermal area, surprisingly beautiful:

Thermal Spring with flowers blooming right beside it:

This "PaintPot" had a really cool orange color to it:

We also stopped at Gibbons Falls, which is a cool waterfall along the Gibbon river. The views of the surrounding forest from up the top were awesome.

Gibbon Falls

Gibbon River

The last two places we stopped were my favorite; Artist Paintpots and the Norris Geyser basin. The colors in the Artist Paintpots were spectacular. The Norris Geyser basin had some awesome colors as well, but the vastness of the area was incredible.

 Norris Geyser Basin

Amazing Green River of Extremophils

 Baby Geyser!

Oh yeah, and I almost forgot...Saw another Grizzly!!

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